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Brief Professional Bio:

The Back Story:

When people ask me how long I've been working with business leaders, I often joke and say "Since I was eleven".  That is the earliest age at which I have memories of working in my family's business and beginning what has been a life-long education in business and leadership.


In addition to working in virtually every department/function in the business, I listened in and participated in thousands of dinner table conversations regarding employee issues, sales and marketing decisions, banking relationships, vendor and supplier challenges, real estate investments, partnership decisions, facilities management, and the struggles of making payroll and surviving a long and difficult recession.


I formed some basic beliefs about leadership: Good leaders are honest and trusting - even when it hurts. They lead by example and value the contributions of others. They are teachers, confidants and cheerleaders who aren't afraid to kick some butt when needed. They take risks (more than most people ever know). They make tough decisions. They make mistakes. They accept responsibility for the results... good and bad. They persevere, regardless.


Over my life (as daughter and business executive), I've come to truly appreciate the heart and soul of what drives great leaders - the desire to contribute to something bigger than yourself, to help others succeed, and to find personal success, fulfillment and balance along the way.

What I've learned and believe about leaders...

Life. Love. Family.

Married to Andrew (17 years).  Three beautiful, talented, intelligent, kind, independent teenagers (no bias). Plus Harley (dog) and Charlie (bearded dragon).  If I had it my way we'd have a house full of animals.  


Originally from Montana. Undergrad at University of Puget Sound (Seattle/Tacoma). Early career and grad school in Portland. San Diego since 1998. Prefer adventure vs leisure vacations. Love to run, hike, explore and be out in the world. Favorite dessert; anything chocolate.

Facilitator. Trainer. Coach. Business Person.

The work I love to do:

  • Coaching current and future leaders

  • Facilitating strategic conversations

  • Training all levels of leadership and management

  • Teambuilding

  • Claifying mission, vision and values

  • Consulting on culture and communication

  • Facilitating difficult and/or critical organizational conversations

The education and experience I bring to the table:

  • BA; Economics and Business Finance

  • MBA; Marketing and Organizational Development

  • Sr Executive; Sales, Marketing, Operations, Organizational Development - 16 years

  • Leadership and Organizational Development Consulting - 17 years

  • Vistage Chair; CEO and Key Executive Peer Groups - 11 years

  • Adjunct Faculty; Marketing and Business Strategy - Portland State University

  • Instructor; Engineering & Scientific Professionals Leadership Program - UCSD Extension

  • Master Trainer/Facilitator; Vistage International and 2Connect

  • Business Owner

In today’s rushed world it is infrequent that you get to work with someone who is on top of their professional game, a talented leader and a pleasure to be associated with. 
Rick McPartlin
CEO of The Revenue Game
Lauryn is a dynamic facilitator and coach who is equally effective whether working with groups or individuals. She is an astute observer of people, adept at influencing discussions in a way that promotes a healthy exchange of ideas. We used Lauryn for many years to facilitate meetings both large and small, management teams, executive team, and also for individual coaching. The feedback was always positive, as were the results. Lauryn adds value.

Dan Smith

President/CEO Hot Dog on a Stick (former)

Want to know more? Let's talk!

Copyright © 2016 - Lauryn Rice

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Leadership and Organizational Development

619 993-6405

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